My name is Cherie. I'm 29 and live with my fiance, Eric and our 20 month old son, Benjamin. We live in a very small town in Connecticut in a very small house which we share with our dog, Frankie, our 2 cats, Smoosh and Sylvester, and our fish (Fishy as Ben calls him).
I work full time as a Veterinary Assistant in a small hospital. I have the best co-workers ever! I am so blessed to be working doing something I love with people that I love.
Eric was injured at work a few years ago and is unable to work right now. It's been tough living on one income, but it was really a blessing in disguise because now he is a Stay At Home Dad.
On my other blog, The Wandering Peanut, I post about great grocery deals, freebies, coupons and my personal life with Ben and Eric.